Trailblazer – Dr. Ghislaine Robert, Faculty at RMTI

Posted October 23rd, 2023

“Dr. Robert discusses her trailblazing career involving regenerative medicine” – Regenerative Medicine Training Institute


Exosomes (SuperShot®  PRP + Exosomes)

Posted July 20th, 2021


What are exosomes?

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles: small, fluid-filled sacs that exist outside of your body’s cells. These tiny structures are secreted by most of your cells. They facilitate important functions like transferring DNA, RNA, and proteins. By altering cell functions, exosomes help in processes like tissue repair, healing, neural communication, and vascularization.


Where do exosomes come from?

The SuperShot PRP + Exosomes kit

Just like PRP, exosomes are autologous, meaning they come from your body. They are found in the PPP (platelet-poor plasma) derived from your blood.

We already offer PRP treatments, wherein we separate your PRP in a centrifuge to use for injections. But standard centrifugation does not isolate exosomes. We are excited to introduce SuperShot PRP from AcCellerated Biologics to our practice. This advanced centrifugation kit allows exosomes to be taken from your PPP and added to your PRP injection, providing the most complete treatment possible.


How do exosome injections work?

Exosome + PRP injections work in the same way standard PRP injections do. After we draw your blood and spin it in the centrifuge, we inject the PRP with exosomes into the treated areas. The concentrated growth factors jumpstart your body’s natural healing mechanisms to repair damaged connective tissues, like tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.


Is the SuperShot (Exosomes + PRP) the right treatment for me?

The SuperShot is a suitable treatment for:

  • Osteoarthritis (knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, etc.)
  • Small meniscus tears
  • Knee sprains (ACL, LCL, MCL)
  • Partial tears of tendons (hamstring, tibialis posterior, Achilles, patellar, rotator cuff, etc.)
  • Chronic tendinopathy (epicondylitis, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, plantar fasciitis)
  • Hair loss (alopecia)

Unsure if you’re a candidate for the SuperShot? Our physician can determine the right treatment for you. Contact our Sports Medicine office at (425)-836-1800 to book your new patient appointment.


What are the benefits of adding exosomes to PRP injections?

Incorporating exosomes in PRP injections provides a more comprehensive treatment for tissue injuries because it adds hundreds more growth factors to the injection, as well as messenger RNA to communicate with cells. The SuperShot with exosomes may heal injuries- even advanced ones- better than standard PRP injections alone. The combination provides faster relief, faster return to activity, and decreased swelling at the injection site. For soft tissue injuries, like a knee sprain or partial tendon tear, only one SuperShot injection is needed. The chances of needing a second injection for these injuries is lower than with standard PRP injections. For degenerative tissue diseases like osteoarthritis, injections are needed every 6-12 months.

New research is still being done on exosomes, but they are a promising solution in the regenerative medicine field. Some research even suggests that they may be able to treat cancer. And exosomes are safe- because they come from your own body, there is no risk of pathogens, unknown sourcing, or immune system rejection.

Separated PRP with superior platelet yield


The highest standards for our patients

The SuperShot and our other PRP centrifugation kits are made by AcCellerated Biologics, a leading provider of biologic medical products. Our kits derive the highest concentrations of platelets and exosomes from your blood to provide the most effective treatments possible. Not all PRP is created equal, and we bring you the best.


Wrapping Up

Exosomes, small structures created by your cells, are derived from your own blood and work to heal and rejuvenate damaged tissues. We are proud to offer the most complete PRP treatment with SuperShot, which allows the exosomes present in your blood to be incorporated in PRP injections. If the SuperShot sounds like the solution you’ve been looking for, contact our office at (425)-836-1800 to learn more and book your first appointment.


Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

Posted March 12th, 2021


One of the treatments we do most frequently here at Sparclaine is extracorporeal shockwave therapy, or ESWT. We usually refer to it as shockwave therapy. It may sound complicated, but it’s actually a straightforward regenerative treatment with incredible healing power. We’re breaking it down for you in this month’s blog post.


What is Extracorporeal shockwave therapy?

ESWT is a treatment that helps heal painful musculoskeletal conditions like plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendinitis. It is the most advanced non-invasive treatment approved by the FDA. We perform this non-surgical procedure right in our office. It’s quick, too- each session of ESWT only takes 30 minutes or less!


How does it work?

ESWT accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation in damaged tissue. Pressure waves focused on the site of the pain or injury jump start the body’s own natural healing mechanisms.

The pressure wave pulses occur for short periods of time, creating micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles penetrates tissue and stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing. It can also decrease the size of scars or calcifications.


Is ESWT the right treatment for me?

ESWT is an alternative to surgery for many common conditions. Take a look at our list of treatable conditions to see if it might be a good fit.

ESWT is suitable for:

  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Baker cysts
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Golf elbow (medial epicondylitis)
  • Great trochanter calcification
  • Great trochanter tendinitis/bursitis
  • Hamstring tendinitis
  • IT band syndrome
  • Low back pain
  • Morton neuroma
  • Nonunion fracture
  • Patellar tendinitis
  • Peroneal tendinitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Rotator cuff calcification
  • Rotator cuff tendinitis
  • Shin splints
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Tibialis posterior tendinitis
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Trigger finger
  • Cellulite and stretch marks
  • Erectile dysfunction

Don’t see your particular ailment on the list? It’s still possible that shockwave treatment would be appropriate for your condition. We encourage you to set up an office visit to discuss it with our MD.








Images: achilles tendinitis (left) and tennis elbow (right).

For most medical conditions, conservative treatment is usually the first plan of action. If other treatments are unsuccessful, you can discuss shockwave treatment with our doctor. Sometimes recurrent problems will be treated immediately with shockwave therapy.


What are the benefits of ESWT?

Shockwave is an amazing treatment for a myriad of reasons! It is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure, which means no incisions are made. It also requires no anesthesia- not even any numbing medicine. This means there is no down-time following the procedure (you won’t have to use any precious sick days!). Shockwave is also relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to the cost of surgery. There is no post-treatment pain medication needed and the treatment is fast, safe, and effective.

The effectiveness of ESWT is backed by research, too. Many medical studies have shown it to be an effective treatment, reporting success rates of 91%.


What is the ESWT experience like?

With most shockwave therapy, 3 to 6 treatments are performed every 3 to 7 days, and each one takes approximately 10-30 minutes, depending on the area treated and the amount of inflammation present. Some conditions only require 1 treatment. It is performed in a standard treatment room and no special medications or preparations are necessary. The pressure waves create a vibrating sensation and it feels like a massage. No anesthesia is required, and most individuals tolerate the treatment well.

The safety of this procedure is proven. When completed by our qualified providers, the procedure has virtually no risks. Possible side effects are mild bruising, swelling, pain, numbness or tingling in the treated area. Since there are no incisions or injections involved, complications like scarring or infection are extremely rare.


What equipment do you use?

Not all ESWT devices are made the same. Our practice is now equipped with the world’s most advanced ESWT device, the D-ACTOR 100 Ultra. Manufactured in Switzerland by world renowned brand Storz Medical, with 75 years of medical research and development behind the device, it is the gold standard of pressure wave technology. We provide our patients the absolute best treatment possible and this device delivers it.









Images: The D-Actor 100 Ultra (left) and its attachments (right).


Wrapping Up

Shockwave therapy uses pressure waves to jump start healing processes and relieve pain for many conditions. It has proven success rate without the risks, complications, prescriptions, or long recovery times involved in surgery. Our specialty here at Sparclaine is regenerative medicine- treatments that harness your body’s natural abilities to heal- and ESWT is a perfect example.

Want to learn even more, or curious is you should look into shockwave therapy? We’re here to help.


Immune Health

Posted December 16th, 2020


While we are waiting for a Covid-19 vaccine (and are in the middle of cold and flu season), boosting your natural immune system has never been more important. There is a lot of information (and misinformation) out there, so we are going to try to break it down and simplify it for you.

The simplest place to start is with the basics:


Nutrition – A healthy, balanced diet of whole foods full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats will provide many of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to stay healthy, help immune function (more here), avoid unnecessary inflammation and feel healthier. As a general rule of thumb, you should try to have 10 servings of vegetables and/or fruits daily. The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest ways of eating, and is replete with wonderful food choices. Learn more here.


Sleep – A restful 7-9 hrs. is the “prescription” for most folks.


Stress Management – Negative stress has a variety of unhealthy psychological effects (increased cortisol is one). We cannot eliminate the creators of these stressors, but we can work on how we accept and manage those stressors. Some easy things to try on your own are abdominal or deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or a walk in nature.


Staying Active – Try to get 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week. Maybe less if you engage in some high intensity interval (HIIT) training several times per week. But the most important thing is just to DO SOMETHING active. Don’t get hung up on the 150-minute goal and try to engage in activities that are fun or meaningful for you! Some studies have shown a seven-minute HIIT workout can be as effective as 30-minute jog.


Get Fresh Air / Get Outside – If you can incorporate some of this activity outside (walking, jogging, hiking, biking, snowshoeing, etc.) you get out of recirculated, stale air, and into fresh, ventilated air and areas where you can more effectively distance. Plus, it is good for the soul!

Focusing on the basics is a great way to “treat” or reverse complicating pre-existing conditions that are effectively managed by diet and lifestyle. These might include diabetes (type II) or pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation and more. Statistics show that if you are living a healthy lifestyle (being healthy) and do not have (or can eliminate) Covid-19 comorbidities, you are far less likely to develop a severe Covid-19 reaction. This is not a guarantee, but the numbers are on your side.

The good news is many of these are free or low cost. The challenge? They are on you. You need to put in effort and stay engaged. But if you put in effort, these are sustainable for a lifetime of healthier living. And they come with very few side effects (only the good kind)!

But for some (time, genetics, environment), it may take a little more than the basics. Here are some products or supplements that are effective in boosting your immune system. Important: If you are not currently taking supplements, please talk with your medical doctor before starting. While most supplements are very safe (in proper dosage), there is still the potential for drug interactions or other side effects.


Vitamin D

There is broad consensus in the medical community that proper levels of Vitamin D are important for general immune health. The blood level of Vitamin D should be between 50 and 80 ng/ml. Recently, there has also been studies looking at levels of Vitamin D and infection response with Covid-19. One study, published in the journal Nature (here), compared people with asymptomatic infections to people with severe infections. The results were stark:

  • 97 percent of people with severe infections had significant vitamin D deficiency (with an average level of 14!)
  • Only 33 percent of those who were asymptomatic were Vitamin D deficient.
  • And when it came to fatality rates, they were seven times higher in those Vitamin D deficient vs. not (21% to 3%)

Vitamin D helps to modulate the immune response without provoking an immune overreaction such as the “cytokine storm” often associated with severe COVID-19 illness. In other words, it boosts the immune response while dampening the inflammatory response.

A product we love is Metagenics D3 5000 + K.

Of course there is no definitive study, and we cannot conclude that having normal levels of Vitamin D will prevent you from getting Covid-19.



Zinc is an essential mineral that helps boost our immune system. In the common cold, it is theorized that zinc could inhibit the binding of the cold virus to cells within the nasal mucosa and suppress inflammation. Zinc can be especially important in antiviral immunity, as this article from the American Society for Nutrition explores.

There are things to consider when taking zinc, however. One, zinc deficiency is relatively rare, as it is readily available in a good diet. High dosages of zinc can potentially be toxic. And it can potentially upset the stomach. On the other hand, some people cannot metabolize zinc well and they need a higher intake to see a good immune response.

If you are interested to know if you are one of them, we can analyze your raw data from 23 and Me or Ancestry and find out through our trusted partner, PureGenomics.

Studies have shown zinc can reduce the duration of the common cold. We would recommend taking zinc supplements during the upcoming winter months, as we are in the heart of cold and flu season as well.

We have been recommending Metagenics Immune Active for overall immune health, as it includes Zinc along with other beneficial ingredients, or Zinc 15 mg supplement from Metagenics or Douglas (available in our office).


Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators (SPMs)

Specialized pro-resolving mediators are involved in the active process of the resolution of inflammation. As the body resolves inflammation, our body’s systems can return to homeostasis, or a stable equilibrium in the body where systems are functioning normally and efficiently.

Proactively taking SPMs can help manage chronic inflammatory conditions (including complicating pre-existing conditions in regard to Covid-19), and help us manage inflammation related to higher stress environments (and who isn’t dealing with a little more stress these days).

One of our favorite products in this category is Metagenics SPM Active.


Probiotics and Gut Health

Probiotics are generally defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. They are most often good bacteria, but can also include yeast and other microorganisms.

Gut health is a growing area of study, especially when it comes to immune health. It is estimated that 70% of your immune system is in your gut and bacteria in the intestine may help regulate immune cell activity.

Probiotics have been tested for their effects against upper respiratory infections (a group that includes the common cold, middle ear infections, sinusitis, and various throat infections). A 2015 evaluation of 12 studies with 3,720 total participants indicated that people taking probiotics may have fewer and shorter upper respiratory infections.

While this is still an area of emerging study, probiotics have an extensive history of apparently safe use, particularly in healthy people. For most healthy people, there will be little downside to taking a probiotic supplement (but always, consult with your MD first!).

One of the most effective supplements we have found (and use regularly ourselves) are Metagenics Ultraflora Balance or UltraFlora BiomePro.


If you have any questions or concerns about your immune health and/or supplements, please call or email our front desk and set up a 15-minute Telehealth consultation with our health coach, Will Merrick. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you stay as healthy as possible during these difficult times. And remember, mask up, keep physical distance, avoid gatherings, wash your hands, and stay home if you are not feeling well!